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Why nailing your copy will help your print marketing fly

Writer's picture: AndrewAndrew

There is a lot to be said for perfecting the design and layout of your next flyer. But once you’ve got the attention of your audience it is down to your copy to generate sales.

First impressions are important. In marketing terms, we have long known that the biggest hurdle to overcome is always to grab the attention of a time poor audience. That’s why you will find that a lot of the advice surrounding print marketing materials revolves around getting the design and visuals spot on.

There’s no denying that selecting your layout, images, colours and fonts should demand careful consideration. But once you’ve got the attention of your intended audience, what next? Catching their eye means nothing if it does not get them to act – which is ultimately how you intend to generate revenue.

For this, the responsibility lies with the quality of the copy.

Where should you start with copy?

Typically, it will be your headline that stands out most on a flyer. The headline should be the point at which your reader goes from being interested in the look of your flyer to engaging with the subject matter.

The headline must appeal to your target audience instantly, often by posing a question to which the rest of the flyer will provide an answer. You will then support this with a sub-heading that positions your business as the solution.

Less is more

It may sound counterintuitive to purport the benefits of good copy and then state that you should limit the word count. However, experience has taught us that writing an entire essay is a sure-fire way to lose your audience. Remember, that the purpose of your flyer is to intrigue your audience and get a response from them. It is not an opportunity to outline the life and times of your business.

Be careful not to overwhelm your readers and instead aim to make every word on the page count.

Be emotive

Emotion can be an important tool in driving new business but it should also be used with a delicate touch. Utilising emotion doesn’t mean generating a sob story; rather it means influencing your prospects’ behaviour to encourage action. Fear, flattery and exclusivity are among the most potent tools at any copywriter’s disposal, and they can be teased out by using evocative and persuasive wording.

But beware: don’t overload your writing with an abundance of descriptive words that will

cloud what you are trying to say. Just a sprinkling will work nicely.

Be on brand

Getting creative and thinking outside the box can all help you to come up with a great campaign that gets your prospects interested and energised. However, it’s worth remembering that your copy – just like your design – ultimately represents a business. This means that you should keep the links between marketing material and brand tethered together throughout your flyer.

Don’t promise a luxury dining experience if you are a fast food establishment; don’t evoke the spirit of Formula 1 if you are running a car wash. Do sell your unique selling points (USPs) and show confidence in what you do best; do make your business sound friendly, approachable and keen to do business with your audience.

If you are looking to launch your next print marketing campaign and are looking into leaflet distribution in London, look no further than London Letterbox Marketing. If you have a message to communicate, we can help you with the targeted, accurate distribution to any of the 3.3 million addresses across the capital.

Need help with your design or copy? We can assist with that, too.

Get in touch today on 020 7193 2841.

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